Home -> Sacele Transport -> Search

You've looked for: Buses Mercedes in Sacele.
Found 1 result.
Buses of this type were seen on line: 0(1).
See also vehicles of this type from: Alba Iulia(1), Arad(10), Bacau(50), Baia Mare(12), Barlad(5), Brasov(60), Bucharest(965), Buzau(11), Cluj(42), Craiova(1), Drobeta-Turnu Severin(18), Iasi(33), Medias(7), Miercurea Ciuc(2), Oradea(50), Piatra Neamt(4), Pitesti(6), Sibiu(18), Sinaia(6), Slobozia(1), Suceava(2), Targoviste(5), Targu Mures(39), Timisoara(88), Zalau(3).
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Bus Mercedes on line 0
September 3, 2018
(other pic with BV 16 GGX)